
The God is not Eunuch


第一次與 Landes Smith 長老跟他的同伴在教會裡面認識摩門教時,我用英文表達〝我不認為上帝是唯一的〞,英文應該是〝I don't think the God is unique.〞。但是,由於我將 unique 的發音錯誤,發成 Eunuch,所以接著 Elder Smith 就說:〝Excuse me, Alan. That u said... God isn't Eunuch, what's mean?〞。

接著,他的同伴用正確的發音唸出〝unique〞這個字。尾隨,Landes 就說 ---- 將將將 --- Eunuch is has no xxx ,哈哈哈哈哈哈


今天,我問起 Landes 這個字怎麼拼,他拿出 Bible Dictionary 查,結果他的拼音很爛,他自己也說了,我也滿訝異的,我還虧他說〝Come on! Man~ U're a native American〞,然後... 查到了,結果跟他原本瞎猜的單字差滿遠的,他原本說可能是〝Unich〞。

今晚,我爬了 Wikipedia,引用如下的簡介:

A eunuch can be either a castrated man or, in ancient terms, any man who is impotent with women for a wide variety of reasons. The earliest records for intentional castration to produce eunuchs are from the Sumerian city of Lagash in the 21st century BCE. Over the millennia since, they have performed a wide variety of functions in many different cultures such as courtiers or equivalent domestics, treble singers, religious specialists, government officials, military commanders, and guardians of women or harem servants. They often served as male prostitutes to other men and were commonly known to engage in homosexual behavior and crossdressing.


