
Conversation with MaiHa



Maiha is my foreign friend, from Vietnam. All my Vietnam friends are very amicability, care for friends actively, and have some very useful suggestion, one in a thousand.

Alan: Hi~
Alan: Sth I wanna tell u.
美霞: hi Alan
美霞: what
Alan: The Love is quieted.

Detail: http://a2n-daily.blogspot.com/
Alan: But now, I have regret, so I apologize to she, and she told me that, let her consider it for days.
美霞: I read it already
美霞: so sad
Alan: Oh~~ no, my friend, don't be sad, plz.

Maybe the fact'll changed in days.
美霞: but in my point of view, you both should have time to think deeply
美霞: and let everything come as it is
Alan: Think deeply, for what? Everything ?
美霞: i mean that
美霞: it's natuaral to have a quarrel or sth like that in love
美霞: so if you both still love each other, debate can make you understand your partner and know what to behave yourself later on
Alan: Hmm...
美霞: i think it'll be ok in some days if you both really think of each other
Alan: Actually, I made this decition too quickly. Even that she's not yet answer me, it's really not dispassion for her.
美霞: My honey and I sometimes have a quarrel, we'r away for some days, but then we missed each other so much and we realized that we cannot stop love and cannot live without the other.
Alan: Wao~~~ so romantic. Indeed
美霞: when u'r in debate, u'r often tempered and cannot controll yourself
Alan: Ya... really.
美霞: in that case you sometimes say sth you dont really want to say
美霞: but u appologied her and I think she'll realize how you love her
美霞: you'll be fine
Alan: Have you ever said that broke up or sth like that?

My friend noticed me, that don't speak these words again forever.
美霞: your friend's right
美霞: you shouldn't
美霞: you hurt ur gf
美霞: she may be very very sad
Alan: Hmm... really.
美霞: so
美霞: do whatever u can now
美霞: prove her that you love her
Alan: OK, I will do that.

Now waiting for her answer, I really hope that she can forgive me.
美霞: go ahead, Alan
美霞: good luck to u
美霞: dont let her down
Alan: Thank u very much.

I'll prove it.

Thank you very much, Maiha, indeed.

Love it


If you love sth very very much, let it go free! If it doesn't come back. It means it does not belong to you. If it does, please love it forever!
<< Good Will Hunting>>


<< 心靈捕手 >>


The love is quieted.

Ya, the love between Ellen & me is broke up, both thx & sorry to Ellen.

Cause the feeling became cold, I think it's the biggest factor. We're not be a couple start in the normal procedure, 'cuz WE ARE NOT REALLY REALLY KNOW THAT WHAT WE LIKE EACH OTHER. Durning past period, maybe we're always try to find out that, why am I like him/her ?

Yesterday, I stay in her house until after dinner, sth bother me, and we've sth unhappy happended in the end. When I dialed her then apologized to her, then we're talking about the feeling as I felt today. She said that, she also has this thought like. Then, we're consider to try to leave each other for weeks. She told me that let her consider it deeply for a while, but, unfortunately, I told her that, we might quiet this love now on the MSN, she hasn't the real answer for me, maybe she didn't wanna has this decision such quickly.

Then, I blocked her and removed the "GF" group & its members directly on my IM list. I'm sad when I on the bed, no cry, but really felt sad. This morning, still sad & down, I put the album into trash, I liked the album very much in the past, it's made by she. But now I wanna try to removed the memory from my life environment, and avoid sth bother me, SORRY TO ELLEN.

Say goodbye to my loved, thx for that we've some memory.

The first thing to do is, that I've to find sth fun for focusing, make myself happy as soon as possible. Enjoy be a geek. :-)

-- 中譯,給想關心我們,且不懂英文的人,謝謝關心。 --

是的,我跟 Ellen 的愛已經終止了,謝謝 Ellen,也對她感到抱歉。


昨天,我陪她到晚餐後,有些事使我煩心。然後,我們在道別時發生不愉快的事情。當我打給她,並向她道歉,我們就聊到今天的感受,她也曾經這麼想過。接著我們開始考慮是否要先試著離開彼此一段日子。她要我給她時間仔細考慮,但很不幸,在 MSN 上,我告訴她我們應該現在就終止戀情。她沒有真正回答我,或許她真的不想這麼快就做決定。





Crimson Tide

This is what a excellent film that shocked my mind. Its Chinese name is 赤色風暴, I watched it in the ET Movie cable channel after my lunch, it's really shocked my mind, indeed very very excellent.

For more info:

Some pictures:

More Info:







看電影的中途,我有跑回房間看未接來電,結果是榴槤催人 (ooQ_Qoo),跟寶貝的回國訊息 (**^__^**)。電影是《槓上富家女》,看完後跑回來房間,結果... ...

驚悚的電話開始振動了... 結果是寶貝 (大歡~~)


然後~~~ 就哇啦哇啦一直跟寶貝聊了 20 分鐘左右,哈哈,舒服多了。

- 以上,是彰化盧先生的個人感想 -