
Vocal Six

Vocal Six

昨天去 台南市立文化中心 觀賞來自瑞典的 Vocal Six 演出,他們是屬於 A cappella 方式的演出,沒有伴唱帶和機器和聲,全部的音效都是由人聲演出,很棒的演出。

因為我們的教友是這場活動的公關,所以永康有 30 張免費公關票,所以我拿了七張,邀請筱珮、牛奶、阿賢和志豪參加,還有和幾位教友一起參加,大家都說很棒的演出,尤其是苓苓這個國中小女生;因為她是合唱團成員,所以對這些技巧特別的講究,當然就講了很多佩服的話。


Date: March 27, 2007
welcome to Tainan
I´m so love ur performance.
Please come to Tainan again,and we hope we can sing with you!
We are Tainan Colleage Choir

Name: Tiffany

Date: March 28, 2007
Dear Vocal Six,
Your voice are just so beautiful that we have all been touched. And your performance was very breezy and fun!! Hope you guys like Taiwan as a passionate country. Please come back and visit us again someday :) ~ Just so in love your voice and geniality.
Max, Cheng-Hsing Choir, NCKU, Tainan,Taiwan
Name: Max

Date: March 28, 2007
Splendid Performance!!!
Hey! what´s up!

Since the performance begining, it´s just like we are in the vocal wonderland, it´s absolute perfect voice and humor style. All my friends attended were enjoy it, really.

My little sister is a chior member, on the road home, she always tells me that your charming voice and how lovely she loves you guys. You know, she is just a 15-year-old girl, she is really love you big guys.

Finally, I also hope you could come back to Taiwan to visit us and love Tainan city.

May God bless your performance
Alan Lu, STUT, Tainan, Taiwan
Name: Alan

XDDDDDD 發文此時,才發現唱詩班單字拼錯 (chior)... 我不要~~~~
現在我也想到昨晚忘了約多一點喜歡表演的人,例如 Eva, Koji 學長。。。

哈哈~~ 別生氣喔~~ ^_________^;
