
Conversation with MaiHa



Maiha is my foreign friend, from Vietnam. All my Vietnam friends are very amicability, care for friends actively, and have some very useful suggestion, one in a thousand.

Alan: Hi~
Alan: Sth I wanna tell u.
美霞: hi Alan
美霞: what
Alan: The Love is quieted.

Detail: http://a2n-daily.blogspot.com/
Alan: But now, I have regret, so I apologize to she, and she told me that, let her consider it for days.
美霞: I read it already
美霞: so sad
Alan: Oh~~ no, my friend, don't be sad, plz.

Maybe the fact'll changed in days.
美霞: but in my point of view, you both should have time to think deeply
美霞: and let everything come as it is
Alan: Think deeply, for what? Everything ?
美霞: i mean that
美霞: it's natuaral to have a quarrel or sth like that in love
美霞: so if you both still love each other, debate can make you understand your partner and know what to behave yourself later on
Alan: Hmm...
美霞: i think it'll be ok in some days if you both really think of each other
Alan: Actually, I made this decition too quickly. Even that she's not yet answer me, it's really not dispassion for her.
美霞: My honey and I sometimes have a quarrel, we'r away for some days, but then we missed each other so much and we realized that we cannot stop love and cannot live without the other.
Alan: Wao~~~ so romantic. Indeed
美霞: when u'r in debate, u'r often tempered and cannot controll yourself
Alan: Ya... really.
美霞: in that case you sometimes say sth you dont really want to say
美霞: but u appologied her and I think she'll realize how you love her
美霞: you'll be fine
Alan: Have you ever said that broke up or sth like that?

My friend noticed me, that don't speak these words again forever.
美霞: your friend's right
美霞: you shouldn't
美霞: you hurt ur gf
美霞: she may be very very sad
Alan: Hmm... really.
美霞: so
美霞: do whatever u can now
美霞: prove her that you love her
Alan: OK, I will do that.

Now waiting for her answer, I really hope that she can forgive me.
美霞: go ahead, Alan
美霞: good luck to u
美霞: dont let her down
Alan: Thank u very much.

I'll prove it.

Thank you very much, Maiha, indeed.

1 則留言:

Arrakeen 提到...

美霞 is a very perceptual girl :p
Alan,it's very nice that you have these nice friends. :D